Star Stable Online

Bug Page

Bug report alert! Here's the list of some of the latest bugs we've slayed and bugs we're aware of.

These bug fixes/patch notes will only be published in English. This page will be updated when we're aware of bigger bugs affecting players and when they've been slayed.

If you don't see your bug here, reach out to support! Make sure to give them as much information as you can. It helps the team a lot when they are investigating the issue.

Last updated March 26th 2025

Known Issues:

  • Red squirrel, black squireel and white Mistfall chipmunk are deformed - affects all players, all platforms

  • Lisa missing during "Aideen's song at first light" for some players - affects some players, all platforms

  • The app version for the Ardennes can't change the mane style - affects all players, all platforms

  • Horses without a special trick may get stuck if the space bar is pressed while standing still - affects all players, desktop only

  • Horse displays incorrect texture in wardrobe window - affects some players, some platforms

Fixed issues March 24th-30th

  • Fixed an issue where the interaction prompt ("E") would appear in the sky, causing players to be teleported to their home stable and become stuck when pressed.

  • Fixed an issue where Tin-Can would appear invisible in the journal.

  • Fixed an issue where the Medieval faction quest displayed a non-existent reputation level.

  • Fixed an issue where the second Star collection event at Aideen's Plaza remained active even after the player had already collected it.

Fixed issues March 10th-16th

  • Fixed an issue where the Cerise Unicorn faction at the Medieval Camp failed to trigger its Act 2 quest on Thursdays.

  • Fixed an issue where Archaeology didn't grant Trail Points.

  • Fixed an issue where manta rays in "Team up with Jessica" were displayed in the wrong position on the minimap.

  • Fixed an issue where Western Club Riding Hall paddock props wouldn't appear when selecting a set.

  • Fixed an issue where high scores weren't being saved for the Fort Pinta Beach Race.

  • Chat is now enabled on Android again.

  • Fixed an issue where selecting Set B from the Paddock Props board (Medieval Edition) at Jorvik Arena would disconnect players from the game.

Fixed issues February 24th-28th

  • After addressing an issue where harvesting fully grown plants in the Hollow Woods garden incorrectly granted double rewards, including double plants, light and Trail Points, and big contributor to frequent crashes in the Garden — and hearing your feedback on the impact of that fix, we’ve rebalanced gardening rewards and Seed to Light crafting costs.

  • Resolved an issue where Ryume and Keima (Gen 3) were unable to equip leg wraps and leg protectors.

  • Resolved an issue where being kicked out from another player’s stable while dismounted prevented you from dismounting your horse using X.

  • Resolved an issue where players didn't receive all lore books during Soul Riding. The players that were missing these rewards will unlock them upon logging in for the first time since the update.

  • Resolved an issue where one NPC around Jarlaheim was standing on her horse.

  • Resolved an issue where a pair of glasses was incorrectly named and has now been updated to the correct name: "Midsummer Blues Sunglasses".

  • Resolved an issue where the scoreboard for Silverglade Working Equitation: Intermediate Level was not displaying any results.

  • Fixed an issue where a wall was missing next to Jorvik Stables Arena.

Fixed issues February 10th-16th

  • Resolved slight clipping with the name sign when using the Medieval stalls mesh.

  • The Zony display horse now correctly displays its mane and tail.

  • Paddock props no longer disappear when the rider gets close to the the corners of the riding hall.

  • Quests set in the Druid Prison in Valedale now show the correct location name in the quest log instead of “Area Unknown” or an incorrect location name.

  • The "Map Icons" button now responds correctly across its entire area, preventing accidental clicks on HUD buttons behind the button.

  • The jump speed for the Ardennes (Gen 3) and the Selle Français (Gen 3) has been adjusted to match the speed of other breeds. Previously, these breeds were slightly slower than other horses.

  • Harvesting a fully grown plant in the Hollow Woods garden incorrectly granted double rewards (extra plants, lights and Trail Points). This has now been corrected to give the intended rewards.

Fixed issues January 27th-31st

  • Players can now interact with Linda in her room to start the quests related to "Catherine's Memories".

  • Players can now interact with Anne to complete the quest "Riding Out".

  • Horse consumables and other items can now be used via drag-and-drop as intended.

  • Smoothed out uneven terrain around Forgotten Fields to prevent players from getting stuck.

  • Items crafted in Farah's Workshop no longer incorrectly display the "bandages" icon in the final pop up message.

  • Non-heavy horses now correctly play hoof sounds when landing from a rear.

  • The 4th Star in Valedale can now be collected.

  • The "Hide My Hat" (only to me) pop up no longer appears on login when the setting is already checked.

  • Players are no longer teleported back to the hair salon at the Silverglade Manor after using a different hair salon in another area.

  • The music during Jorvik Dressage mastery now stops playing once the race is completed.

  • Collision issues on the horse transports have been resolved, preventing players from getting stuck.

  • Global chat now remains enabled after travelling from different spaces.

  • The high-score window now correctly displays the competition list on mobile.

  • The Friesian and Friesian Sporthorse (Gen 3) now correctly play sound during the rear animation.

  • Bolt (Gen 3) now correctly plays sound during reverse and rear animation.

  • Resolved an issue where walking pets would randomly jump back into the saddle bag.

  • Fixed an issue where one of the hidden glyphs was incorrectly positioned underground in Hollow Woods.

Fixed issues January 13th-19th

  • Smoothed out uneven terrain around the Manor, as well as arenas by Steve’s Farm, the Riding Hall and the Manor.

  • Removed snow from the Disco area in Fort Pinta.

  • Adjusted the view distance for paddock prop boards in all paddocks, making them easier to spot from a distance.

  • The yeti in Scott's Jackalope race no longer slides and now displays the correct animation.

  • Farah's Crafting Task Board now correctly displays the task description and reward.

  • Fixed an issue where the crafting animation was incorrect.

  • Resolved incorrect text in the player dialogue options during the intro quests of "A friendship is sparked".

  • Resolved an issue where gatherables at Moorland Riding Camp were unaccessible.

  • Fixed an issue in Hollow Woods where some logs collected during "Ancient Firewood" were floating and unreachable.

  • Resolved an issue where the special gait button was not functioning correctly on mobile devices.

  • Resolved an issue where item type "Token" could not be added to storage.

  • Addressed a patching problem on mobile devices.

Fixed issues December 16th-22nd

  • Introduced an option to disable the winter filter while snow effect is active.

  • Resolved an issue where Mistfall would incorrectly become a restricted area after using the bus, persisting for the rest of the play session.

  • Fixed an issue where the character's feet would clip through riding boots.

  • Fixed overlapping meshes for Linda in her window seat during the quest "A Fine and Private Place."

  • Fixed some floating winter assets around Jorvik.

  • Resolved an issue preventing players with a large number of mails from opening their mailbox.

Fixed issues December 2nd-8th

  • Resolved an issue where players were unable to mount their horse after using the bus and tram service in-game.

  • Addressed an issue with the North Swedish horse (Gen 3) where the front legs would snap during canter and gallop.

  • Fixed an issue where some trees were floating at Silverglade Manor.

  • Resolved an issue where a pony was clipping through the fence at Silverglade Manor.

  • Resolved an issue where Alex was positioned underground during the quest "A Strange Radio Message".

  • Adjusted the position of a quest item at Silverglade Manor, making it easier to complete the quest "Stars Over the Field".

  • Resolved an issue that prevented players from completing the quest "A Batch of Hedges, Please".

  • Adjusted the medal times for the races at Silverglade Manor.

  • Removed an invisible wall behind the Riding Arena.

  • Resolved an issue preventing players from completing the Farah's Workshop task with Agnetha and Björn.

  • Adjusted the camera view in Camera 4 at the Riding Arena.

  • Resolved an issue where paddock props in the Riding Arena were not functioning properly.

  • Corrected the texture issue with the NPC cats in the game. They are no longer all clones!

  • Resolved an issue where the Help button in the Home Stable Customization window was not functioning.

  • Reduced the flash effect in the wardrobe when moving items around after feedback from the community.

  • Resolved an issue where Linda and Alex were standing on water during the quest "A Numbing Defense", instead of being on the boat

Fixed issues November 18th-24th

  • Resolved an issue where stats in the Global Store would overlap on mobile.

  • Adjusted the positioning of the SC and JS icons in the Global Store to prevent them from covering the prices.

  • Adjusted the lights in Ydris' Circus tent.

  • Resolved a clipping issue where the right front leg would clip into the shoulder of the Dutch Warmblood (Gen 3) during fast gallop.

  • Addressed an issue where Nanny the Goat’s cutscene could interrupt players during the Valedale Championship.

Fixed issues November 4th-10th

  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't complete the "Daily Championship Showdown" quest after finishing the Baroness Championship.

  • Resolved an issue causing lag and occasional hard stops for some players while riding around in Jorvik.

  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to inspect other players.

  • Resolved an issue preventing players from interacting with Anne after completing the "Great Day for a Ride" quest.

  • Corrected an issue where the "Soul Rider Essentials saddlebag" displayed the wrong icon.

  • Fixed an issue allowing certain breed-exclusive items to be equipped on non-retrofitted horses.

  • Corrected the placement of the "Valentine's Day shirt" in the Global Shop. It now appears in the Clothes tab instead of the Horse Gear tab, as intended.

  • Fixed an issue where moving pets to the inventory would sometimes cause the game to crash.

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to click on their horse to mount it after using the in-game bus service.

  • Fixed an issue where players could only dismount the horse from one side.

Fixed issues October 21th-27th

  • Adjusted the texture for the "Emerald Goth Jumping Saddle" and "Gleaming Glamour Red Saddle Bag" due to incorrect textures.

  • Resolved an issue where magical horse coats were not saved between sessions.

  • Fixed an issue where the hitbox for Valiant was difficult to interact with during the "Valiant the Packhorse" quest.

  • Resolved an issue in the daily Soul Rider training with Anne at the Druid Paddock where portals spawned in the wrong location, preventing players from completing the training.

  • Adjusted one of the ghost's position in Hollow Woods.

  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't access the kite during the Haunted Trail Ride.

  • Addressed a skinning issue between the hind legs of the Selle Français (Gen 3) during jumps.

  • Adjusted the swirling motion of the Selle Français's (Gen 3) hindquarters during fast gallop after feedback from the community.

  • Corrected the mirrored DC logo on the right side of Bolt’s magical horse coat.

  • Resolved an issue where the stable appearance didn't reset when closing the catalog with the ESC key.

  • Added missing dialogue for "The lost Saga".

  • Added missing dialogue for "Locate Alex".

Fixed issues October 7th-13th

  • Tin-Can is now visible again during the intro cutscene.

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to interact with Cayenne to complete the quest "Catching Cayenne".

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to interact with Anne to complete the quest "Golden hour".

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to interact with Anne to complete the quest "Hit the road".

  • Fixed an issue where the Hazel mounting gate displayed the wrong icon in the home stable catalogue.

  • Fixed an issue where hiding the golden nameplate in your settings didn't hide the gold stars on the gate.

  • Fixed an issue where the photo mode window appeared slightly misaligned on desktop.

  • Fixed an issue where the cutscene for "The Wild Escape from Dark Core" didn't trigger as intended on mobile devices.

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to move after the cutscene in "Family Growth" on mobile devices.

  • Added missing dialogue for "Freestylin Flo".

  • Fixed an issue where the jousting idle animation was unintentionally triggered for players not participating in jousting. No more arms with a mind of their own! 

Fixed issues October 1st-6th

  • Fixed an issue where some new players encountered a popup window upon entering their home stable, causing them to become stuck and forcing them to quit the game.

Fixed issues September 23rd-29th

  • Added missing text in the quest "Win time before the eviction!".

  • Resolved an issue where players couldn't interact with Jamie Olivetree during the "Today's Baking" (Friday) quest to claim XP.

  • Adjusted the height of spider number eight in Goldenhills Valley to make it easier to collect.

  • Resolved an issue preventing players from completing the achievement "They Come in Peace".

  • Added missing text for the Glamour sets.

  • Fixed an issue where other players were shown standing on their horses when triggering emotes.

  • Resolved an issue where the Jorvik Friesian, Faramawr and Aldrach (Gen 3) sometimes slowed down after landing from a jump.

  • Addressed several issues with the American Paint Horse (Gen 3), including tail positioning and some manes not being fully attached to the horse's neck.

  • Adressed several animation issues with the North Swedish Horse (Gen 3), including grazing, canter, fast gallop and jumping.

  • Adjusted the lance position to prevent clipping through the horse.

  • Added missing dialogue for "Clues in a photo album".

Fixed issues September 9th-15th

  • Resolved an issue where invisible walls were preventing players from completing training activities at the Druid Paddock.

  • Fixed an issue where some panicked horses were appearing invisible during Soul Riding missions.

  • Added missing text for "Sitting Trot" in the controls window.

Fixed issues August 26th-30th

  • Resolved a rendering issue that were affecting some Android models. Users should no longer experience visual glitches or missing UI elements. If you're still experiencing graphical issues on Android, please contact our customer support with details about your device.

  • Fixed an issue where only the "Very Easy" runestone puzzles in Hollow Woods awarded the player with Trail Points. Now, all difficulties will award you with Trail Points.

  • Shadow has been added to the "Forest Whisperer Tunic" and the "Knitted Gradient Sweater with Hazelnut Leather Coat".

  • Fixed an issue where an invisible wall was preventing some players from completing the quest race "The True Bond" on South Hoof Peninsula.

  • Maya is now back from her summer break and can be found in your home stable again! Hopefully not sleeping on the job..

  • Fixed an issue where using the crying emote in the Jarlaheim Theater caused players to float.

  • Added missing text to the Cottagecore set.

  • Fixed an issue with "The Bobcats' Best Competition Rider" race where a misplaced checkpoint was preventing players to complete the race.

  • Fixed an issue near the Eastern Slopes where only a saddle was visible due to an invisible horse.

  • Updated the default stable to be a bit brighter and warmer, thanks to valuable community feedback. Let us know what you think!

Fixed issues August 12th-18th

  • Players are now able to use the lead rope function in their home stables again.

  • Resolved an issue with chickens not spawning while doing the "Rehome the chickens" chore in your home stable.

  • Resolved an issue when interacting with the championship host it incorrectly awarded players trail points.

  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck in the Trailblazer Track tutorial if the game was closed after claiming the first reward.

  • Resolved an issue that allowed players to claim an unlimited number of daily trail points.

  • Fixed an issue that caused players to occasionally get disconnected from the game while collecting fireflies.

Fixed issues August 5th-11th

  • Resolved an issue where the coat of the bay roan Ardennes horse was overwritten by another coat. If you purchased this variation during the affected period (2024-08-07) and wish to request a refund, please contact our customer support here.

  • Fixed an issue with the task board at the Rescue Ranch that occasionally caused players to get kicked for suspected cheating.

  • Added missing dialogue for "Who might know about Pandorians?".

  • Avalon is no longer in T-Pose.

  • Added missing text when harvesting a rare plant in Path of Terra.

  • Updated the information list for the Pony Championship to include missing horse breeds.

  • One of Catherine's memory fragments in Moorland can now be collected again.

  • Fixed an issue where some horse gear items were appearing in the clothes section of the Global Store.

  • Resolved an issue causing some players to get stuck in an infinite falling loop above Nilmer's Highland.

  • Fixed an issue where some new players were spawning in the incorrect starting area.

  • Fixed an issue where one of the exit portals in Pandoria didn't return players back to Jorvik, resulting in them being stuck in Pandoria. 

Fixed issues July 1st-7th

  • You are now able to enable or disable Gatherables on your mini-map. - To do this, open the map, click on "Map Icons" and scroll down to "Gatherables (near you)".

  • Resolved an issue where the fishing rod would be misplaced on the player and you were unable to complete the fishing missions.

  • Resolved an issue where the iOS chat would appear empty until you selected a chat type.

Fixed issues June 3rd-9th

  • Fixed an issue where some players were blocked from accessing Jorvik Riding Camp due to an invisible collision.

  • Resolved an issue where the hotkey "Z" didn't trigger "Shared moments" if the player was mounted on their horse.

  • The 9th star in Valedale can now be collected again.

  • Fixed an issue where the cutscene in "This is for you" would sometimes cause players to get kicked out for suspected cheating.

  • The horse dance animation is now looping when the player is dancing.

Fixed issues May 20th-26th

  • Resolved an issue where button 3 in your home stable shower didn't trigger an animation.

  • Fixed an issue where items would become stuck in the player's hands at the Rescue Ranch.

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't move Glow-get-my-stuff in the inventory.

  • The global chat is now accessible in your home stable.

Fixed issues May 6th-12th

  • Fixed an issue where the game would freeze after you opened the runestone paths on mobile devices.

  • The Baroness' hat is now displaying the correct texture.

  • Anti-aliasing is no longer automatically enabled when Photomode is activated.

  • Fixed an issue where the Global store didn't scale correctly on iPad and tablet.

Fixed issues April 22nd-28th

  • Added missing text for "Gathering Warrior artifacts: Gallop Plains".

  • Added missing text for "A tragedy in many pieces".

  • Added missing text for "Clueless Emma".

  • Added missing text for "Without wiping shoes and without saying thanks".

  • Fixed an issue where the shower hose was missing from the home stable.

  • Pintabians are now able to wear decorated bridles.

  • Fixed an issue where the horse stylist at the Pony championship was using the wrong model.

  • Fixed an issue where you were unable to turn in the quest "Waltz of the Fireflies Race" with Zuri if the race was failed and restarted.

  • Fixed an issue where the Hollow Woods fertilizers could be used without being consumed if they were placed in the wardrobe.

  • Yellow and green quest icons are now prioritized over purple.

  • Medals are now showing the correct sell price in the mailbox.

  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash if you tabbed out while you were in a shop and then tried to purchase an item.

  • Fixed an issue where you were able to trigger the pet horse animation while being on the escalators in Jorvik City mall.

  • Fixed an issue where you were able to trigger "Shared Moments" in Jorvik City.

  • Fixed an issue where you were able to trigger special trick on a horse that hadn't reached level 7.

  • Fixed an issue in the horse stylist window where the previous mane style slot got locked when you bought a new mane style.

  • Fixed an issue where a new player would sometimes end up at the previous onboarding location if the player exited the game before completing the first quest.

Fixed issues April 8th-14th

  • Using photomode crashes the game

  • Fixed an issue where players got kicked from championships after completing a lunging activity

  • Fixed an issue where the game resolution was not properly adapting to the screen when the scale was set above 100%

  • The buckle is no longer visible on the Ivory Sun English bridles

  • Fixed an issue where the rose grey Lipizzaner was missing an additional mane style option at the horse stylist

  • Fixed an issue that prevented a few players from logging back into the game after retrieving items from their mailbox

  • Fixed an issue where some iOS players encountered error messages and app crashes when exiting the game

Fixed issues March 25th-31st

  • Survived the 2024 Crabocalypse

  • Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash when you opened the chat on Android.

  • Fixed an issue where the championship schedule was missing on mobile.

  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when purchasing a mane style followed by clicking on the empty mane style slot.

  • Fixed an issue with the chat only allowing players to write in English.

  • Fixed an issue where the game wouldn't display the correct XP value, desktop only

  • Fixed an issue where the championship schedule didn't show races between 22:00-00:00

  • Fixed an issue where the old and new model of Justin would sometimes appear at the same time during his quests

  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes get stuck during the building of the bridge from Nilmer's Highland to South Harvest Counties

  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes give you a network error when filling your bucket with water from the well

  • Fixed an issue when you sometimes couldn't see other players in the world or their chat messages

  • Fixed an issue where the UI wasn't hidden when taking pictures in photomode on Android

Fixed issues March 18th-24th

  • Fixed an issue where the gen 3 Selle Français was slower than other horses

Fixed issues March 11th-17th

  • Fixed an issue where some Star Rider accounts were being incorrectly detected as Free Player accounts and couldn't access all of the Star Rider content.

  • Fixed an issue where completed quests sometimes reappeared as active in the quest log.

  • Scheduled championships can no longer be restarted after failing the race.

  • Resolved an issue where animals didn't reset if the Valedale championship training was restarted or failed.

Fixed issues March 4-10th

  • Resolved an issue where an invisible collision was present next to the horses for sale at the Hermit's place.

  • Fixed an issue where the Photomode UI didn't disappear when taking photos on iOS devices.

  • Fixed an issue where equipping a saddle bag in the global store while the horse wasn't wearing a saddle resulted in the horse becoming invisible.

  • Resolved an issue where part of the wall was clipping through the stable wall at Steve's Farm.

  • Roadblocker icons on the map are now transparent again.

  • A high score race has now been added to the Pony race.

  • Resolved invisible collisions around the starting area of the Moorland championship.

  • Fixed an issue where a stone fence at Silverglade Acres would pop in and out of view depending on camera angle.

  • Resolved an issue where the horse movement got locked after taking care of your horse in the home stable shower.

  • Resolved an issue where task information overlapped the game UI when using the task board at Southhoof Farm.

  • Resolved an issue where players would sometimes fall through the world when going downstairs in Fort Maria.

  • Resolved an issue where the mysterious dark rider wouldn't fade out correctly during "Stolen documents".

  • Rhiannon is no longer missing in "Back to square one".

  • Fixed an issue where the camera didn't focus on the speaking characters in "Crafting Legends".

  • Added missing text for the "Herds Apart" quest.

  • Fixed an issue causing the horse level up button to disappear from the HUD when the chat button was pressed on mobile.

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from purchasing make-up for Light on mobile.

  • Fixed an issue where Xin didn't appear in "Too good to be untrue".

  • Resolved an issue where the player would lose ability to control their character when looking for donkeys with Mary.

  • The Dartmoor Pony has now been added to the list of ponies that can participate in the Pony race.

  • Fixed an issue causing a transparent hole to appear in the neck area of the Toasty Bonfire Jacket.

  • Fixed an issue where some breed exclusive gear could be equipped on the starter horse.

  • Adjusted the hoof pick animation on the Arabian Thoroughbred (Gen 3).

  • Fixed an issue where you sometimes weren't able to feed your horses hay.

  • Fixed an issue when gardening plants sometimes got overwritten by other plants.

  • Fixed an issue in "To catch a rabbit" where the counter wasn't transparent and flashed in black when the number got updated.

  • Corrected the bridle clipping into the right side of the Icelandic horse (Gen 3) during fast gallop.

  • Addressed clipping issues with the left shoulder on the Finnhorse (Gen 3) during fast gallop.

  • Resolved an issue where the character would go through the saddle during the fast gallop jump animation on the American Paint horse (Gen 3).

  • Resolved several clipping issues on the Tennessee Walker horse (Gen 3).

  • Adjusted the animation on the Tennessee walker Horse (Gen 3) to ensure the head no longer snaps at the end of the idle animations.

  • Adjusted the saddle girth on the Percheron (Gen 3) to prevent clipping during fast gallop.

  • Adjusted the mane on the Haflinger (Gen 3) to prevent clipping issues during the jump animations.

  • Addressed an issue causing the legs to glitch on the Jorvik Friesian (Gen 3) after the special trick.

  • The player character is no longer showing off the feet when using some sneakers.

  • Welsh Ponies (Gen 2) at Hermit's location are no longer visually equipped with saddles.

  • Adjusted the hind legs when turning right on the Paso Fino (Gen 3).

  • Adjusted the hind legs on the Knabstrupper (Gen 3) during jump animations.

  • Adjusted the color on the Rex Stamper hazelnut royal leg protectors.

Fixed issues February 19-25th

  • Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when players tried to use the horse mood consumable from the radial menu.

  • Fixed an issue where items were being overwritten when swapped with another item in the wardrobe.

  • Fixed an issue where Horse mood treats were only effective for one play session.

  • Resolved an issue where the Dressage test was available for some players at Jorvik Stables, causing the game to crash upon initiating the test.

  • Fixed an issue where static saddle bag pets/items would remain visually equipped.

  • Addressed multiple server crashes.

Fixed issues February 12-18th

  • Terrain and player disappear when entering Wild Woods

  • Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor would snap to the upper left corner when scrolling on Mac.

  • Fixed an issue where completing the quest "A Finished Bridge" resulted in the game disconnecting.

  • Fixed an issue where two quests at the Bobcat Training Area were visible at the same time.

  • Fixed an exploit which allowed players to get infinite light.

Fixed issues February 5-11th

  • Fixed an issue where the Global Shop window couldn't be closed if the confirmation window wasn't closed using the X button on mobile.

  • Corrected the placement of the beard accessory on the face.

  • Fixed an issue where opening photo mode would reset Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation settings. Users can now access photo mode without losing their customized visual settings.

  • Resolved an issue with accessing the Pandoric Rift on Sundays due to terrain changes in the new area by Moorland.

  • Fixed an issue where Rhiannon didn't always show up between relogs during some story quests.

  • Addressed an issue when you couldn't filter some of our newest clothes by color in the Global Shop.

  • Fixed an issue where players using certain resolutions or aspect ratios were unable to access level 5 and 6 of Path of Whimsy and Runology on mobile.

  • Addressed some players inability to complete the quest "Reap What You Sowed."

  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to complete the quest "Something Familiar" if a checkpoint was missed.

  • Corrected discrepancies where certain NPC dialogue portraits did not match their corresponding model in Aideen's Plaza.

  • Fixed an issue in the new area by Moorland where players could easily become stuck.

  • Fixed an issue where rune carvings appeared as white when the snow was disabled.

Fixed issues January 8-14th

  • Fixed an issue where the London Fog set was incorrectly locked in the global store.

  • Fixed an issue where the London Fog top was not connected to the player character's neck

  • Fixed an issue where the new bonus shop item wasn't available.

  • Fixed an audio issue with Zony and Vega not playing their zebra sound.

  • Resolved the issue where horse care from the radial menu on Android wasn't working.

  • Resolved the issue where Violet was occasionally placed underground in Dundull.