Ayla & Umbra

Star Stable Online

Ayla & Umbra Facts

Based on Breed: Andalusian
Price: 950 Starcoins
Level: 1
Location: Special Events

Under Jorvik’s mysterious new moon, the shadow-dwelling Umbra emerges with its fiery mane, racing after stars and gazing longingly up at the night sky. Meanwhile, Ayla, with its mystical coat that mirrors the sway of the Northern Lights, prefers to seek solace deep in Jorvik’s untamed wilderness. Together, these two enchanting horses embody the balance of nature that is the foundation for all magic in Jorvik.



Jorvegian legend claims that a radiant magical horse used to circle the ring of light around the moon, watching over the people of Jorvik, until one day the being came to Earth to save their dear friend who had fallen into the fires of Garnok’s Fury. It is said that the Ayla that wander Jorvik are descendants from this mythical creature, still seeking to find their lost friend.

Solitary by nature, Ayla sticks to the untamed wilderness of Northern Jorvik and beyond, seeking the brilliant Northern Lights that sway across the sky in a multitude of blues, pinks, and purples – much like Ayla’s magical coat. Despite their shy demeanor, Ayla is fiercely protective of the people and animals they bond with, perhaps to a fault. Expect some jealousy in your stable if you decide to take home this steadfast beauty.

Like other magical horses in Jorvik, Ayla shows its true colors in wild places and will conceal its appearance in populated areas. Whether in its magical form or disguised to blend in with other horses, Ayla rides just like the Andalusians it shares ancestry with.


Lunar cycles on Jorvik are an enigma, but on the special occasion that a new moon brings darkness to the land, the unlit night lures out a graceful horse known as Umbra. Stories say that a brooding magical horse used to skulk around the far side of the moon until, one day, the fires of Garnok’s Fury caught its curiosity. The mythical horse fell from the moon into the bubbling volcano, setting its mane ablaze. It is said that the Umbra that wander Jorvik are descendants of this mythical creature and that to this day they gaze longingly at the moon they can never return to.

Preferring to stick to the shadows of thick forest, Umbra finds its home in the thicket, favoring the faint glow of firefly light to guide their way through the woodland. Due to its fiery mane, Umbra has a body temperature much higher than other horses and has a hot temperament to match. They are always eager to break into a gallop, racing after the stars in the night sky.

Like other magical horses in Jorvik, Umbra shows its true colors in wild places and will conceal its appearance in populated areas. Whether in its magical form or disguised to blend in with other horses, Umbra rides just like the Andalusians it shares ancestry with.

Ayla & Umbra's pet companions

Moonlit Magic Fox

This mysterious fox is drawn to all things glowing and shimmery. As a force born of light, legends say they emerged from moonbeams when the magical Ayla descended to Jorvik to rescue their friend.

Ember Enchantment Cat

This mischievous feline enjoys sneaking up and startling others with their stealthy motions. Folklore claims they arose from the darkness when the magical Umbra tumbled from the far side of the moon into Garnok's Fury.