Level 5
The evocative image of the fiery Spanish horse, confident and noble in its bearing, is deeply embedded in equestrian culture and origin of many a horseowner’s dreams. If you are looking to fulfill your dream of a royal baroque horse, the Andalusian is your best bet.
Few horse breeds are as intricately woven into the history of Europe as the Andalusian.
To fully explain their origin and history is to delve into the history of Spain itself, for the medieval “Al Andalus” described the Muslim part of Spain where breeding and equestrian culture flourished and laid the foundations for many modern breeds.
While the terms Andalusian and PRE (Pura Raza Espanola) are often used interchangeably, only horses approved for the official studbooks are officially classified as PRE’s.
The most famous bloodline of Andalusians was established in the 1500s by the Carthusian monks of Jerez de la Fronteira. Horses carrying these bloodlines, called “Cartujanos” are still highly sought after today and are as rare as they are beautiful.
Their agile and compact build and their elegant, elevated movements make the Andalusian an ideal riding horse, and it was prized among the European nobility for centuries.
In its land of origin, however, the “Horse of Kings” was a valuable companion for everyday tasks and used in all areas of the Spaniards’ lives. Andalusians excel at working with livestock, pulling carriages, or presenting themselves as proud parade horses during “ferias”.
Preserved through the centuries by rigorous selection and strict breeding criteria, their appearance hasn’t changed drastically. The Andalusian is a well-balanced horse with good proportions and strong, round croup, giving them a natural capacity for collection.
They are versatile horses who can be found in all areas of modern equestrian sports, but their true talent lies in the classical dressage where they can be trained to the highest levels of the Haute École.
The evocative image of the fiery Spanish horse, confident and noble in its bearing, is deeply embedded in equestrian culture and origin of many a horseowner’s dreams.
If you are looking to fulfill your dream of a royal baroque horse, the Andalusian is your best bet.
Location: Silverglade Manor