The Soul Riders trilogy follows the Soul Riders, four heroes who share a magical bond with their horses and each other. Anne, Lisa, Alex, and Linda have been chosen by destiny. With the help of a group of mystical druids, they embark on a series of dangerous adventures in an effort to save the world from Garnok, an ancient, terrible being of immense power.
Set on the island of Jorvik, the first Soul Riders trilogy is an epic fantasy about magic, friendship, and horses. The three books – Jorvik Calling, The Legend Awakens and Darkness Falling have been published in seven languages with more to come!
Helena Dahlgren began writing stories at the age of five and never stopped. She has a BA in English and Literature from Stockholm University, co-ran Sweden's most popular book blog for three years, and now works full time as a writer and literary translator! She is the author of thirteen published books, including the Soul Riders series.
Welcome to a whole new world of creativity! Author of the Soul Riders trilogy, Helena Dahlgren, invites you to join her on a creative writing masterclass. You won’t want to miss this chance to level up your writing skills!