Star Stable Horses

Star Stable Horses Update!

Hello StarFam! A new update is rolling out right now on our app Star Stable Horses!

The wonderful Irish Cob!

A majestic grey Irish Cob just arrived in our app Star Stable Horses! If you raise this horse right, you’ll be able to bring it over to Star Stable Online to hang out with you on your Jorvik journeys.

In our app Star Stable Horses, you can raise your very own horse from a baby foal up to a level 10 horse, ready to hit the Jorvik racing tracks with you as its rider. When your Irish Cob reaches level 10 in the app you can transfer it to Star Stable Online for 850 Star Coins.

Star Stable Horses is available both in the AppStore and in Google Play and is free to download.

This horse just can’t wait to meet you! #MyKindaCob #StarStableHorses

You can raise several foals at once in Star Stable Horses, so make sure to look around for your favorite amongst the 16 available horse breeds!

Have fun playing with your foals!
Hugs from your Star Stable Team ♥