Hey StarFam! We hope you all have had a great first Valentine’s Week in Jorvik, and now it’s time for even more fun! If you haven’t already, don’t forget to meet up with Lowe at Jorvik Stables to try her fun race before the celebrations come to an end next week.
The Travelling Market is back!
Remember the travelling clothes market from last year? It’s back - and apparently the sellers have heard something about you guys liking western bridles, because they’re bringing TONS of gorgeous western bridles for you all! The market is open right outside of Silverglade Village for this week only.
All new western bridles!
Delivery of letters!
The Valentine’s celebration from last week continues, and this week Derek the postman in Silverglade Village needs your help to deliver Valentine letters around Jorvik.
After you’ve helped Derek out you will be able to find some missing letters scattered around the island. Get the letters to their recipients to get some cool rewards!
You will be able to find the missing letters around the following areas:
★ Silverglade Castle
★ Doyle’s Abbey
★ Moorland South Beach
★ Cape West Fishing Village
★ Goldspur’s Farm
★ Southsea Acres in Golden Hills Valley
★ Valedale Village
★ Fort Pinta
★ Nilmer’s Highland
These quests will be available until next week’s update and will not show up in your quest log - but whenever you’re close to a letter a message will pop up on your screen!
Help Derek out!
New item in the Lifetime Star Rider Shop!
There’s an all new item in the Lifetime Star Rider Shop in Moorland, so make sure to head over there to pick up your monthly Lifetime item!
Horse Market
Eddie and Ferdinand have some exciting news for you! From this week on they will offer different horses depending where they are on Jorvik! When they are in Silverglade and at Jorvik Stables Arena they will have one set of horses with them, and another one when visiting Fort Pinta and Cape West Fishing Village. This week it’s time to open for business at Jorvik Stables Arena, and a delivery from our old Horse Island has brought us three older Friesian horses for you!
New times at the Horse Market!
Star Stable Game News
Matilda and Game Master Ylva are of course back with more Game News!
Have a great week everyone!
Hugs from the Star Stable Team ♥