Iceberg! Dead Ahead!

January 07, 2015

Hey everyone! Happy new year, and welcome to the first update of 2015! Iceberg! During his seafaring adventures, Captain Brus has noticed that there's a missing chunk from an ice floe which is heading straight towards Jorvik and according to his calculations will collide with the coastline near Forgotten Fields this week! We think that he might have swallowed a bit too much seawater to be able to see clearly, but he seems to think that there might even be people on the ice! The captain is also certain that it will drift away again as quickly as it arrived, so you only have this week to go figure out what's going on...!

That salty sea dog Captain Brus has spotted this icy craziness just off the coast of Jorvik and it's heading this way!

That salty sea dog Captain Brus has spotted this icy craziness just off the coast of Jorvik and it's heading this way!

Cuteness on Ice... Also, we can't be totally certain but we've looked through our binoculars and there seems to be some cute little whiskers out there on the ice floe... Maybe you can hear the clapping of some excited little flippers? There's an extremely short time where you can go and find out for yourself whether there could be an adorable addition to your Star Stable family, so hurry down to the ice and uncover the secret before it's too late!

Who are these little cuties out on the ice floe?

I wish it could be Christmas every day! We're giving you even longer to have fun with all the Christmas quests, so if you're not quite ready to let that Christmas feeling go for another year, you'll be thrilled to learn that the chance to bag a bunch of Christmas goodies right up until January 21!! Horse Market Eddie and Ferdinand have had a nice New Year, and are ready to get back to work after watching all of your fabulous fireworks! They're getting started on building up the horse market in Silverglade, ready to open next week! Amazing offers in the Star Stable Gift Shop: must end soon! Loads of you have already stacked up your Star Coins balance and stepped up to Lifetime by using the great value offers from our exclusive Star Stable Gift Shop, but for those of you that haven't grabbed the chance to score some amazing deals, we've got to let you know that not all good things can last forever...! Our series of magical Christmas offers will finish on Monday, January 12 which means only one thing: hurry hurry hurry! Have a great week! from the Star Stable team x